[WordPress] Output category without link

Sep 8, 2020 PHP WordPress

To output the category associated with a WordPress post, you usually use <? Php the_category ();?>, But in that case you will also get a link.

I wanted to get rid of this link. The implementation method was to store it in an array once using And display it in a loop. Also, when displaying multiple categories, a separate (,) is added to make it easier to see, but conditional branching is also made so that the separator is not attached when the last category is output.

<? php
  $ categories = get_the_category ();
  $ length = count ($ categories);
  $ i = 0;

  foreach ($ categories as $ cat) {
    $ i ++;
    if ($ length == $ i) {
      echo $ cat-> cat_name;
    } else {
      echo $ cat-> cat_name.',';

use implode

When I posted the above, I received a comment that it can be implemented simply by using implode as shown below.

Thank you, technote-space!

<? php
 $ categories = get_the_category ();
 echo implode (',', array_map (function ($ cat) {return $ cat-> cat_name;}, $ categories));

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