WordPress infrastructure and bugs (currently offline/block editor inactive)
#(Case 1) Publication has failed. It seems to be offline now. When I press the post button,
Publishing failed. It seems to be offline now.
It will be displayed. There seem to be various solutions, but in my case, Settings> General WordPress address (URL) and site address (URL)
change to
It was solved by doing.
#(Case 2) Block addition is inactive This is the main theme of this time. The new version of WordPress can use not only conventional HTML editing but also block font called Gutenberg. reference:) HTML editing  Gutenberg (block insertion editor) 
But the insert button of the block in the upper left was inactive. :cold_sweat:
Applicable system configuration
- EC2
- CloudFront
- Route53
Normally, From User> Edit Profile Solved by removing not using Visual Rich Editor It looks like it wasn’t.
The cause is the cloud front, It is solved by adding the following code to functions.php under the relevant theme. If you are using Amazon Lightsail ./wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/xxxxx/functions.php
function dtbaker_wp_cloudfront(){
add_action('init','dtbaker_wp_cloudfront' ,9 );
reference: https://dtbaker.net/blog/rich-textvisualwysiwyg-editor-does-not-work-in-wordpress-behind-cloudfront/
I was healed like this. 
Medeshimedeshide: smiley: