Unit test with mockery on Laravel

Sep 5, 2020 PHP PHPUnit mockery laravel5

What you can do by reading this article

You will be able to do Unit Test using Mockery in Laravel.

What is Mockery in the first place?

A PHP mock object framework that makes it easy to create mock with PHPUnit. https://readouble.com/mockery/1.0/ja/index.html

#Environment laravel 5.3 phpunit 5.7.3 Use mockery

Thing you want to do

The existing laravel validation is done in the store (IdRequest $ request) part of the code below. I’m doing a POST using $ this-> call () to test here. The situation that Test :: getInfo (), which is a part of the series of processing, is not implemented by external connection.


1. Routing settings

Route :: resource ('info','info @ store');

2. $ this-> call Controller call

<? php
namespace App \ Http \ Controllers;
use Illuminate \ Http \ Request;
use App \ Http \ Controllers \ Controller;
use App \ Http \ Requests \ Rlog \ IdRequest;
use App \ Http \ Models \ InfoLogic;
class InfoController extends Controller {
    public function store (IdRequest $ request) {
            $ info = new InfoLogic ($ request)
            $ info-> setInfo ();
            return $ info-> getInfo ();

3. Validate with IdRequest

<? php
namespace App \ Http \ Requests;
use Illuminate \ Foundation \ Http \ FormRequest;
use Illuminate \ Contracts \ Validation \ Validator;

class IdRequest extends FormRequest
    public function authorize ()
        return true;
    public function rules ()
        return [
            'id' =>' required | max: 255 | alpha_num',

4. Calling information from Model associated with ID

<? php
namespace App \ Models;

use Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Model;

class Infologic extends Model {
    public function __construct ($ request) {
        $ this-> id = $ request ['id'];
    public function setInfo () {
        $ this-> info = Test :: getInfo ($ this-> id);
    public function getInfo () {
        return $ this-> info;

5. Call information from DB (Test :: getInfo ($ this-> id);, not implemented)

Mock this part.

6. Write test code based on the above

<? php
use Mockery as m;
use App \ Models \ InfoLogic;
class InfoValidateTest extends TestCase
    public function tearDown ()
        parent :: tearDown ();
        m :: close ();
    / **
     * @runInSeparateProcess
     * /
    public function test_id_name ()
        // Create mock to get id
        $ mocker = m :: mock ('alias: App \ Models \ Test');
        $ return = 123456;
        $ argument ='yamada';
        $ mocker-> shouldReceive ('getInfo')-> andReturn ($ return);
        $ expected = 123456;
        $ actual = $ this-> call ('POST','info', array ('id' =>'tanaka'));
        $ this-> assertEquals ($ expected, $ actual);

7. Test command execution

$ cd [Laravel project]
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests / InfoValidateTest.php