Unit test with mockery on Laravel
Sep 5, 2020
What you can do by reading this article
You will be able to do Unit Test using Mockery in Laravel.
- Since it was made quite a while ago, please feel free to point out mm
What is Mockery in the first place?
A PHP mock object framework that makes it easy to create mock with PHPUnit. https://readouble.com/mockery/1.0/ja/index.html
#Environment laravel 5.3 phpunit 5.7.3 Use mockery
Thing you want to do
- -I want to Mock an unimplemented static method called Test :: getInfo () and test it with phpunit.
- -I want to confirm at the same time through validation of laravel by sending post
The existing laravel validation is done in the store (IdRequest $ request) part of the code below. I’m doing a POST using $ this-> call () to test here. The situation that Test :: getInfo (), which is a part of the series of processing, is not implemented by external connection.
1. Routing settings
Route :: resource ('info','info @ store');
2. $ this-> call Controller call
<? php
namespace App \ Http \ Controllers;
use Illuminate \ Http \ Request;
use App \ Http \ Controllers \ Controller;
use App \ Http \ Requests \ Rlog \ IdRequest;
use App \ Http \ Models \ InfoLogic;
class InfoController extends Controller {
public function store (IdRequest $ request) {
$ info = new InfoLogic ($ request)
$ info-> setInfo ();
return $ info-> getInfo ();
3. Validate with IdRequest
<? php
namespace App \ Http \ Requests;
use Illuminate \ Foundation \ Http \ FormRequest;
use Illuminate \ Contracts \ Validation \ Validator;
class IdRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize ()
return true;
public function rules ()
return [
'id' =>' required | max: 255 | alpha_num',
4. Calling information from Model associated with ID
<? php
namespace App \ Models;
use Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Model;
class Infologic extends Model {
public function __construct ($ request) {
$ this-> id = $ request ['id'];
public function setInfo () {
$ this-> info = Test :: getInfo ($ this-> id);
public function getInfo () {
return $ this-> info;
5. Call information from DB (Test :: getInfo ($ this-> id);, not implemented)
Mock this part.
6. Write test code based on the above
<? php
use Mockery as m;
use App \ Models \ InfoLogic;
class InfoValidateTest extends TestCase
public function tearDown ()
parent :: tearDown ();
m :: close ();
/ **
* @runInSeparateProcess
* /
public function test_id_name ()
// Create mock to get id
$ mocker = m :: mock ('alias: App \ Models \ Test');
$ return = 123456;
$ argument ='yamada';
$ mocker-> shouldReceive ('getInfo')-> andReturn ($ return);
$ expected = 123456;
$ actual = $ this-> call ('POST','info', array ('id' =>'tanaka'));
$ this-> assertEquals ($ expected, $ actual);
7. Test command execution
$ cd [Laravel project]
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests / InfoValidateTest.php