[PHP] Output 365 days + days of the week

Sep 8, 2020 PHP timezone for statement for beginners

To output today's date, write as follows.
<? php
print (date ('n / j (D)'));

n gets the month j gets the date D gets the day of the week in English (first 3 letters)

If you have not set the timezone, you can change it by writing it directly.

<? php
date_default_timezone_set ('Asia / Tokyo');
print (date ('n / j (D)'));

Here, consider how to get the date + day of the week one day later.

<? php
print (date ('n / j (D)', strtotime ('+ 1day'));

With this, I was able to get the date + day of the week one day later.

1 day later if + 1day 1 day before -1day + 365day will be one year later

Can be.

strtotime ('+ 1day')

It seems good to repeat this part 365 times using the for statement.

<? php
for ($ i = 1; $ i <= 365; $ i ++); {
  $ date = strtotime ('+'. $ I.'day');
  print (date ('n / j (D)', $ date));
  print "\ n";

With this, I got 365 days worth.


(1) Set variable i = 1, repeat with 365 or less, and add 1 to variable i every time.

for ($ i = 1; $ i <= 365; $ i ++);

(2) Decompose and assign the contents of strtotime to the variable $ date

$ date = strtotime ('+'. $ I.'day');
// The part 1 of'+ 1day'of strtotime ('+ 1day') is $ i

③ Put the variable $ date in the part where the strtotime function was written.

print (date ('n / j (D)', $ date));

④ Line breaks for easy viewing

print "\ n";

By the way, the {} part can also be rewritten as follows

<? php
for ($ i = 1; $ i <= 365; $ i ++):
  $ date = strtotime ('+'. $ I.'day');
  print (date ('n / j (D)', $ date));
  print "\ n";

It’s easier to understand what the closing tag is for. The while statement is the same and can be described as follows.

while (....):

that’s all. Thank you for your hard work.