PHP basic grammar
Aug 27, 2020
I’m a beginner who has just learned PHP. If there are any mistakes, we would appreciate it if you could point them out.
##print syntax
print ("I'm studying PHP!!");
If you want to display double quotes, use escape sequence
print ("I'm studying PHP!\"kirin\"");
Summary of simple escape sequences
Escape Sequence | Effect |
\n | Line feed |
\r | Carriage return |
\t | Tab |
\ | \ |
$ | $ |
" | " |
' | ' |
What is a carriage return? Control character that returns the cursor to the beginning
Arithmetic operator
If you enclose it in “”, it will be evaluated as a character string. Note*
print (1+1);#2
Complex calculation is possible by combining
print ((100**3+12)*3);#3000036
Summary of simple operators
Symbol | Effect |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
** | n-th power |
/ | Division |
% | Remainder calculation |
date (string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ]) :string You can have two arguments
The time changes each time the screen is displayed Date and time can be obtained using date function, but not displayed
Date and day display
print (date('F/j/Y'));
#Displayed results: August/27/2020
Designated characters of ###date
Symbol | Effect | Example of use |
Y | (4 digit display) Year | 2020 |
y | (2-digit display) Year | 20 |
m | (2-digit display) Month | 08 |
M | (English display) Month | Aug |
F | (English) Month | August |
n | (clear 0) Month | 8 |
d | Sun | 15 |
H | (24-hour display) Hours | 15 |
h | (12 hour display) Time | 3 |
i | min | 59 |
s | seconds | 59 |
t | Days of Month | 31 |
D | (3 letters) Day of the week | Sat |
w | Quantify day of week (0-6) | 6 |
Time display is also possible Time zone setting is required to display Japan time
print (date('G hour i minutes s seconds'));
Set the time zone as follows
print (date('G hour i minutes s seconds'));
concatenate strings
You can connect strings that require "” by using.
print ('current time:'.date('G hour i minute s second'));
format is called a method and formats the acquired time DateTime() is an object with various date and time methods
PHP has a mixture of procedural and object-oriented types
$today = new DateTime();
print ($today ->format('G hour i minutes s seconds'));
#Display result: 8:12:09
###time stamp Returns the time elapsed since January 1, 1970
print (time())
###strtotime strings to time Converts the specified string as a time stamp
print (date('n/j(D)')."\n");
// Display result: 8/27(Thu)
print (date('n/j(D)',strtotime("+2day")));
// Display result: 8/29(Sat)
PHP variable features
- Variable names start with $
- Can be named in English, Japanese, or numbers
- Symbol and blank cannot be used
- Leading numbers are not allowed
- Case sensitive
- Basically written in lower case Store as a string if * is present
<?php $sum = 100 + 200 + 300; ?>
Total amount is: <?php print ($sum); ?> Yen
#Display result: Total amount is 600 yen
Tax included: <?php print ($sum*1.1); ?> Yen
#Display result: 660 yen including tax
##while syntax
- Initialization process
- Repeat condition
- Iterative processing
- Update process
$i =1;
while ($i <= 10){
print ($i."\n");
$i += 1;
Call using endwhile
$i =1;
while ($i <= 10):
print ($i."\n");
$i += 1;
Comparison operator
Symbol | Effect |
A <B | A is less than B |
A <= B | A is less than or equal to B |
A === B | A and B are equal |
A !== B | A and B are not equal |
!A | Not A |
increment decrement
For division and multiplication, there is no such thing as an increment because the value does not change even if it is multiplied by 1.
Symbol | Effect 1 | Effect 2 |
$i = $i + 1 | $i += 1 | $i ++ |
$i = $i-1 | $i -= 1 | $i - |
##for syntax for(Initialization process; Repeat condition; Update process;){ The process you want to repeat; }
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
print ($i."\n");
Call by using endfor instead of {}
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++):
print ($i."\n");
Output day and day of the week up to
for($i=0; $i<=365; $i++){
print (date('Y/n/j(D)',strtotime("+".$i."day")));
print "\n";
array() was used before PHP 4.5 You need to specify the index to display the array
When you want to output the day of the week in Japanese
$week_name = ["Day", "Month", "Tue", "Wed", "Thurs", "Friday", "Day"];
###Associative array By specifying key, values can be retrieved from the list regardless of the order of the array
$drink = ['tea' =>'tea',
"Cola" =>'coke',
"Coffee" =>'coffee',
"Wine" =>'wine'];
print ($drink["tea"]);
###foreach syntax Array-only syntax Each element can be output repeatedly
$drink = ['tea' =>'tea',
"Cola" =>'coke',
"Coffee" =>'coffee',
"Wine" =>'wine'];
foreach ($drink as $val){
print ($val."\n");
Output result
If you also want to retrieve the index
$drink = ['tea' =>'tea',
"Cola" =>'coke',
"Coffee" =>'coffee',
"Wine" =>'wine'];
foreach ($drink as $japanese => $english){print ($japanese." :".$english."\n");
Output result
Tea: tea
Coke: coke
Coffee: coffee
Wine: wine
##if syntax
if(12 <= date("G")){
print ("You can eat lunch");
print ("Dinner time");
False if the string is empty, True otherwise False if the number is 0, True otherwise
Round up, round down, round
round off at floor
print (floor(10/4))
// 2
round up with ceil
print (ceil(10/4))
// 3
round to round How many decimal places the second argument has
print (round(1/3,3))
// 0.333
##sprintf It is possible to arrange the number of digits
d indicates a numerical value , so 0 is output when a character string is entered.
$date = sprintf("%04d year %02d month %02d day", 2020,8,27);
print ($date);
// August 27th, 2020
String uses s
$date = sprintf("%04d year %02d month %02d day %s", 2020,8,27,"Thurs");
print ($date);
// Thursday, August 27th, 2020