[Laravel] Implementation of multilingual switching function
A memorandum, the fourth.
Continuation of "[Vue.js] Multilingualization using vue-i18n” that I wrote last time. I implemented a switching function in Laravel.
reference: https://mydnic.be/post/laravel-5-and-his-fcking-non-persistent-app-setlocale
First, prepare the language to be used as an array.
<? php
return [
'ja' =>'Japanese',
'en' =>'English',
'cn' =>'Simplified Chinese',
'tw' =>'Traditional Chinese',
Next, prepare a controller to write the language switching process.
$ php artisan make: controller LanguageController
class LanguageController extends Controller
public function switchLang ($ lang)
// When there is lang passed as an argument in the prepared language array
// Save key (applocale): value ($ lang) in session
if (array_key_exists ($ lang, Config :: get ('languages'))) {
Session :: put ('applocale', $ lang);
return Redirect :: back ();
Create middleware.
$ php artisan make: middleware Language
setlocale ()
is a method to set locale information.
class Language
/ **
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \ Illuminate \ Http \ Request $ request
* @param \ Closure $ next
* @return mixed
* /
public function handle ($ request, Closure $ next)
if (Session :: has ('applocale') AND array_key_exists (Session :: get ('applocale'), Config :: get ('languages'))) {
App :: setLocale (Session :: get ('applocale'));
else {
App :: setLocale (Config :: get ('app.fallback_locale'));
return $ next ($ request);
When you add new middleware, don’t forget to add it to the kernel.
protected $ middlewareGroups = [
'web' => [
\ App \ Http \ Middleware \ EncryptCookies :: class,
\ Illuminate \ Cookies \ Middleware \ AddQueuedCookiesToResponse :: class,
\ Illuminate \ Session \ Middleware \ StartSession :: class,
// \ Illuminate \ Session \ Middleware \ AuthenticateSession :: class,
\ Illuminate \ View \ Middleware \ ShareErrorsFromSession :: class,
\ App \ Http \ Middleware \ VerifyCsrfToken :: class,
\ Illuminate \ Routing \ Middleware \ SubstituteBindings :: class,
\ App \ Http \ Middleware \ Language :: class,
Set the routing.
Route :: get ('lang / {lang}', ['as'=>'lang.switch','uses' =>'LanguageController @ switchLang']);
Add a dropdown to the navigation bar.
<li class = "nav-item dropdown" id = "nav-lang">
<a href="#" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
{{Config :: get ('languages') [App :: getLocale ()]}}
<span class = "caret"> </ span> </a>
<ul class = "dropdown-menu">
@foreach ((array) Config :: get ('languages') as $ lang => $ language)
@if ($ lang! = App :: getLocale ())
<a href="{{route('lang.switch', $ lang)}} "> {{$ language}} </a>
</ li>
</ ul>
</ li>
When you move it, it looks like this drop down Let’s choose English It switched successfully!