[Laravel] Batch processing, Cron task schedule execution

Sep 7, 2020 PHP cron Laravel

A memorandum of excitement today.

In order to deepen the understanding of batch, I implemented a simple process.


PHP 7.3.8 Laravel 6.18.35

Write batch processing

Create a batch to get the number of users registered in the User table. First, generate a command class.

php artisan make: command UserCount

When you execute the command, the file is created directly under app / Console / Commands /.

<? php

namespace App \ Console \ Commands;

use Illuminate \ Console \ Command;
// Because there is also a process to output the log later
use Illuminate \ Support \ Facades \ Log;
// Read the table to operate
use App \ User;

class UserCountCommand extends Command
    / **
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
     * /

    // Set the name of the command
    protected $ signature ='user: count';

    / **
     * The console command description.
     * @var string
     * /
    // Write the batch description here
    protected $ description ='Get number of users';

    / **
     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
     * /
    public function __construct ()
        parent :: __ construct ();

    / **
     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
     * /
    public function handle ()
      // Format of message to be output to standard output & log
      $ message ='['. date ('Y-m-d h: i: s').'] UserCount:'. User :: count ();
      // Output message at INFO level
      $ this-> info ($ message);
      // Click here for the process of writing the log
      Log :: setDefaultDriver ('batch');
      Log :: info ($ message);

This completes the batch

Execute command in terminal

php artisan user: count

If it is displayed like this, it’s OK Screenshot 2020-09-07 21.52.22.png

Run batches on time with Cron

By describing the entry in crontab, batch processing can be executed regularly according to the contents of the entry.

Reference: Mastering Laravel’s task schedule (cron)

So edit crontab with the vim command.

$ crontab -e

Just add the following line

* * * * * php / path_to_your_project / artisan schedule: run 1 >> / dev / null 2> & 1

Add the created batch command to $ commands and describe the batch schedule in schedule.

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
    / **
     * The Artisan commands provided by your application.
     * @var array
     * /
    protected $ commands = [
        \ App \ Console \ Commands \ UserCountCommand :: class

    / **
     * Define the application's command schedule.
     * @param \ Illuminate \ Console \ Scheduling \ Schedule $ schedule
     * @return void
     * /
    protected function schedule (Schedule $ schedule)
        // Run the user: count command every minute
        $ schedule-> command ('user: count')-> everyMinute ();

Looking at the log file

Screenshot 2020-09-07 22.07.56.png It’s running every minute!