About the procedure to introduce SFTP settings in Laravel and perform SFTP communication in the production environment or DEV environment
#Introduction Since there was a matter to link the CSV file to the SFTP server, it will be a memo of the installation procedure at that time. I am writing an article to organize the work flow. In the processing environment, an environment containing PHP’s Laravel framework was prepared, so the flow is to add processing and settings for SFTP.
Please refer to this ArticleandSite for introduction.
#About the environment
- Laravel:5.8
- PHP:7.2
#Introduction procedure
1. Install SFTP module
Go to the Laravel home directory and execute composer require
to install the SFTP module.
composer require league/flysystem-sftp
If the installation result says “successfully” as shown below, it’s ok.
Using version ^1.0 for league/flysystem-sftp
./composer.json has been updated
Package manifest generated successfully.
Also, the version of sftp is added to the requireof
"require": {
"league/flysystem-sftp": "^1.0"
Another vendor/league/flysystem-sftp
directory is created in the execution environment. I would like to be able to confirm this area.
2. Preparing sftp module
It is the same flow as Reference site,
I wanted to separate the connection information for each environment, so I refer to it from .env
2.1 Registration with Service Provider
Create a ServiceProvider class for sftp with the make:provider
# Command for generating service provider file
php artisan make:provider SftpServiceProvider
namespace App\Providers;
use Storage;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use League\Flysystem\Sftp\SftpAdapter;
class SftpServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register services.
* @return void
public function register()
* Bootstrap services.
* @return void
public function boot()
Storage::extend('sftp', function ($app, $config) {
return new Filesystem(new SftpAdapter((
'host' => $config['host'],
'port' => $config['port'],
'username' => $config['username'],
'password' => $config['password'],
'privateKey' => $config['privateKey'],
'root' => $config['root'],
'timeout' => $config['timeout'],
2.2 Addition to File System
Add the disk settings for sftp to config/filesystem.php
At this time, the access settings of the production and DEV environment are referenced from .env
If there is an undefined item, the value of the second argument of the env function
is used.
(The set value is set to a level that is null and no error occurs)
return [
'disks' => [
/* I think it also contains other disk settings, but I will omit it */
'sftp' => [
'driver' =>'sftp',
'host' => env('SFTP_HOST',''),
'port' => env('SFTP_PORT',22),
'username' => env('SFTP_USER','myName'),
'password' => env('SFTP_PW','myPass'),
'privateKey' => env('SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY','/home/myUser/.ssh/sftp_key.rsa'),
'root' => env('SFTP_ROOT_DIR','/tmp'),
'timeout' => 10,
Prepare the setting information in .env
as follows.
SFTP_HOST=[domain or IP address of destination HOST]
SFTP_PORT=[Access port of HOST to connect]
SFTP_USER=[user account]
SFTP_PW=[user password]
SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY=[Access Key Path]
SFTP_ROOT_DIR=[root directory of connection destination]
3. SFTP communication
3.1 Implementation of SFTP communication
I will omit detailed processing, but I will describe reading of setting information and file upload by SFTP.
// Output SFTP settings to logger
logger()->info(get_class() .'SFTP HOST is['. Config::get('filesystems.disks.sftp.host') .']');
// storage setting for SFTP upload
//Upload sample.csv as new_sample.csv
$contents = file_get_contents($storageDir.'sample.csv');
Storage::disk('sftp')->put('new_sample.csv', $contents);
3.2 Deploy to each environment (production/dev)
I think that “2.1 Service Provider”, “2.2 File System” and “Process I created in 3.1” that I set myself are managed by git, but I have deployed the vendor
and below in each environment.
In my case, I did a git pull
and put the composer.json
and then ran composer install
composer install
#in conclusion Although it was a long sentence, I described the introduction and setting of SFTP in Laravel and the deployment in each environment. Thank you for reading the contents summarized as a review of personal work until the end.